Concertino in memoriam Viktor Ullmann | Clarinet Concerto (2002/03)
Abschied und Ankunft (Farewell and Advent) (2004)
Violin Concerto Nr. 1 "Nimm hin und horch" ("Receive and Hark") (2004)
Passion/Ostern (Passion/Easter) (2005)
Elisabeth | Oratorio (2005/06)
Gesänge an die Nacht (Hymns to the Night) | after poems of Rilke for Bass, Horn and Chamber Orchestra (2006)
Cello Concerto No. 1 "Songs of Joy and Life" (2016-18)
Vita (2017/18)
Cello Concerto No. 2 "Musica montana" (2015-19)
Violin Concerto No. 1 "Morning Serenade" (2019)
Violin Concerto No. 2 "Eternal Light" (2019)
Hymnus (2024)
Ecce: nova facio omnia | SMzA (2011)
Bittet, so werdet ihr empfangen (Ask, and you will receive) | SATB (2014)
Ave dulcissima Maria | SATB (2015-17)
Alleins (All is One) | Cycle after texts of Katharina Reichle | SMzATBarB (2017)
Sanctus | SMzA (2017)
Ave Maria | für SMzA (2017)
Christ in me | SATB (2017)
Alleluia | SATB (2017)
Seigneur, faites de moi un instrument de votre paix | SSAA (2017 )
Laudate Dominum | S/T ad lib., with ensemble (2Trp.2Trb.3Perc.Str)
Abendlieder (Evening Songs) | after texts of Hugo Kükelhaus and Manfred Kyber | S(T).Pno (2006-14)
Canto | after a poem of Novalis | S.Fl (2017)
12 Lieder | after poems of Albert Steffen | S(T).Pno (2012)
Zwei Lieder (Two Songs) | after poems of Christian Morgenstern | S(T).Pno (2014/16)
Palmström | after a poem of Christian Morgenstern | Bbar.Vc (2017)
12 Lieder for Easter and Christmas | after poems of Albert Steffen | S(T).Pno (2017)
Drei geistliche Lieder (Three Sacred Songs) | S(T).Pno (2017)
Buch der Sterne, Blumen und Kristalle (Book of Stars, Flowers and Crystals) (2001-)
L'Adieu (2005)
Music for James (2013)
Anrufung (Invocation) (2015/16)
Music to the four Mystery Dramas of Rudolf Steiner (2016)
Twelve Prayers - Volume 1 (2017)
Vita (Three Preludes to Dante's Divina Commedia) (2017)
Novalis (2017)
Twelve Prayers - Volume 2 (2018)
Twelve Meditations - Volume 1 (2019)
Chaconne (2021)
Frühlings-Overtüre (Spring Overture) (2022)
Marianisches Tagebuch (Marian Diary) (2022)
An Wesen (To Beings) | Vc (2006)
Ankunft (Advent) | Fl.Hp.2Vl.Va.Vc (2006)
An Persephone (To Persephone) | Seven Sketches for String Quartet (2007)
Sonnentag (Sun-Day) | for String Trio (2007)
Michael-Stimmung (Michael Mood) | 3Trp (2007)
Ich bin (I Am) – Music to the seven I Am words | 2Vc (2014/15) | Version for Vc solo (2016/17)
Die Seligpreisungen (The Beatitudes) | Nine Meditations | 2Vc (2015) | Version for Vc solo (2017)
Gesänge der Freude und des Lebens (Songs of Joy and Life) | Vc (2017)
Musik in Wundern (Music of Wonders) | Vc (2016-)
Ave Maria | Vc (2016)
Offertorium | Vl.Vc (2018)
Hongatar ja tuuli (The Pinewood Fairy and the Wind) | Cl.Perc.Pno.Vl.Vc (2007)
Winter Music | 2Guit.2Vc (2019)